Frequently asked questions
What is proposed?
Ironstone Energy, as illustrated on their website, intends to build an industrial anaerobic digester plant that uses crops, grown specifically to rot down to create biomethane gas (biogas), taking agricultural land out of use for food production.
We think it is more accurate to say that the proposal is for …
How big will the gas plant be?
The proposed site, currently an arable field, is about 9 hectares (including the new access road). This is approximately 22 acres, which is twice the size of the 11 acre estate of 70 houses currently being built in Colsterworth.
This doesn’t include the proposed tracks across existing fields that …
Which villages will be affected?
Whilst the industrial gas plant is proposed on land located between Gunby, Stainby and Sewstern, the impact will be much wider as farms 15 miles away from the site may become part of the scheme.
Ironstone have stated that HGVs from the A1 will be directed through Colsterworth…
Will the biogas produced benefit local people?
NO - the biomethane will be transported via a new gas pipeline for industrial uses. Claims by Ironstone that the industrial Anaerobic Digestion plant will produce energy to ‘heat a town roughly the size of Grantham’ are extremely misleading….
Ironstone Energy say that the UK imports most of it's gas?
Ironstone Energy claim (on their website) that the UK imports most of its gas - this is incorrect. Whilst the UK does import some gas from oversees the UK Government confirms that most Gas comes from UK supplies and also that the UK sells some…
Will I be able to see the industrial gas plant?
Given the scale and height of the digesters, we believe it will be seen for many miles. The proposed location is on higher ground and therefore it will certainly be visible from the villages, paths and roads in the east, north and south because…
Will the gas plant smell or be noisy?
Ironstone Energy have stated that there will be limited odour similar to that of silage. Given the vast size of the silage clamps which cover approximately 1/3 of the site area, the smell of silage is likely to be strong and affect a wide area - not just those working in nearby businesses…
Is the proposed industrial gas plant part of the Sewstern Industrial Estate?
NO - the proposed industrial gas plant will be entirely separate from the Sewstern Industrial Estate. The gas plant will be located on land currently in arable production, it will have a separate, new road junction and separate…
Ironstone Energy state that AD is Green Energy - how green is it?
Sometimes AD can be useful in turning farm waste to energy (and digestate) for use by that farm. This keeps the process on the farm and within a small area. When AD is used for farm waste, it does not require …
Ironstone Energy say that the proposals will help with regenerative farming?
Yes, the say that but what does it mean? All they actually mean is that the digestate produced by rotting down maize in the AD tanks will be used as fertiliser…
Where will the crops use in the industrial gas plant come from?
Ironstone Energy’s website states that “Buckminster Estate would be supplying around half the feedstock per annum with the remainder coming from local growers within a few miles from the site”….
Will we still be able to use public footpaths and bridleways?
Public footpaths and bridleways will still be accessible. However, at present, it is not clear how these will be affected. What we do know is that….
Will it get planning permission?
We very much hope not. We do not believe that an industrial scale anaerobic digester is in line with planning policy for the rural countryside and it would not accord with the Neighbourhood Plan prepared for and voted on by residents…
How can I object to the proposed industrial gas plant
You can object to Ironstone Energy’s planning application via the SKDC website - more details can be found here.
Can someone help me submit my objection?
Yes of course, if you need any assistance doing this, we are here to help - please contact us and someone will get in touch with you….
Who and what is Block_BLOCK?
Block BLOCK stands for Block Biogas Located in Open Countryside in Kesteven it is the campaign slogan of the Block Ironstone Energy Action Group who are a community group opposing Ironstone Energy’s proposals….
Who is Ironstone Energy?
Ironstone Energy Ltd. is a company set up with the purpose of building the industrial gas plant on open land between Gunby and Sewstern with access roads from Stainby….