Frequently asked questions.

What is proposed?

Ironstone Energy, as illustrated on their website, intends to build an industrial anaerobic digester plant that uses crops, grown specifically to rot down to create biomethane gas (biogas), taking agricultural land out of use for food production.

We think it is more accurate to say that the proposal is for an industrial scale manufacturing complex that produces biomethane with digestates and carbon dioxide as by-products. Like other large industrial complexes, it would rely on significant HGV traffic to produce what it makes.

The industrial AD gas plant will run 24 hours a day, 365 days per year with HGV traffic travelling to and from the plant everyday from 7am to 7pm - with much longer hours several times of the year.

More information will be added to this site when the planning application has been submitted to South Kesteven District Council. In the meantime please visit the PROPOSALS page for more info or download our LEAFLET.