March 2024 Community Update

Dear Neighbours

Update from the BLOCK Ironstone Energy Action Group

Future Biogas /Ironstone Energy (in conjunction with Buckminster Estate) have recently confirmed that their planning submission for the largest industrial scale biogas plant in the country, is now imminent. The following is an update on forthcoming events and activities - with apologies for the long email - and please do forward this on to others!


Many people have asked how to get more involved.  There is currently a very small action group which would be grateful for any further help with the campaign activities eg professional/general support, leafletting, gathering responses, fund raising, cakes for the nature walk or anything else you can assist with. Please use the contact page on the website or email with any offers of assistance.

Nature Walk and drop in event at Sewstern village hall – 1.30pm Saturday 6th April 2024

We plan to meet at 1.30 by the first blue gate on the right on Gunby Road after Sewstern Industrial Estate for a group photo with our banner. This will be followed by a short nature walk to Sewstern.

Sewstern Village Hall will be open from 1.30-4pm where anyone from the local community will be welcome to join us for tea and cakes and to discuss the proposals (and how to object if the planning application has been submitted).  More information is available on the block biogas website.

Drop In Events to help with Objecting

Once the planning application has been submitted, we will be organising a series of drop-in sessions for each village where we can offer assistance on how to make objections on the SKDC planning portal. We will have a list of specific and effective reasons to object. For those without internet access at home there will be help in getting onto the portal and objecting.  

If the application has been submitted, the first drop-in event will be at the Sewstern Village Hall on 6th April (see above).

In addition to our individual objections, we will be asking people in the local villages to complete a very short questionnaire to support our collective opposition to the gas plant. Responses can be kept anonymous as advised by our local district councillor.


Several residents have already contributed to the costs of our campaign to date. Going forward, and to raise additional funds for the campaign, a Go Fund me page has been set up – a big thank you if you have already donated or offered to do.

If you would like to contribute, any amount however small, (or large) will help. For example, a placard costs £6 and a large banner £30, village hall hire is around £10/hour.

Where to find up to date information

To avoid sending out too many emails, the website is being updated continuously so please visit regularly to get the latest information. We will however send another update when the planning application has been submitted with further information on drop-in events etc.

Block Ironstone Petition

Finally, a very big thank you to all who have signed the petition - we are getting close to 800 signatories and it would be fantastic if we reached 1000 so please do continue to share the petition with your friends, family and neighbours at (please note that any donations made to are received by them and not us!)

With many thanks for your ongoing support in the campaign to BLOCK industrial biogas in our beautiful countryside.

Please share this update with your friends and neighbours.

If you would like to sign up for more updates please let us know via the contact page


Community unite at nature walk


Join us for a nature walk