Posters & Leaflets drop!

Residents of local villages will have noticed that over the past week or two posters have been put up to highlight the campaign to BLOCK Ironstone Energy’s proposals for the industrial gas plant near Gunby, Sewstern and Stainby.

Volunteers have also been delivering double sided leaflets to provide information about the proposals to residents, particularly those who do not have access to the internet.

The leaflets and posters include links to our petition as well as our Facebook group and of course this website.

If you would like a copy of the poster and the leaflet it is available to download HERE.

Please feel free to put the poster side of the leaflet up in your windows to let Ironstone Energy and SKDC know that you support the campaign or contact us at the link below for more information.


Fundraising launched for BLOCK campaign


Over 500 signatures!