Press Release #2

Block Ironstone Energy Action Group launched with a petition to Block the proposed Industrial Gas Plant.

Rutland, Leicestershire and Lincolnshire Residents Urged To Sign Petition To Block Industrial Gas Plant Campaigners say parts of all 3 counties will be adversely impacted if plans go ahead.

Last month, the Block Ironstone Energy Action Group formed to stop the company’s plans to build a large, gas manufacturing plant on greenfield land in South Kesteven, near to Gunby, Stainby and Sewstern. The group has now launched a petition, urging not only nearby residents to sign it, but, all residents of Rutland, Lincolnshire and Leicestershire because they too could be affected Link to Petition:

A spokesperson for the group said, “Ironstone say the site will service farms up to 15 miles away, meaning more HGV traffic passing by the front doors of many people who might reasonably think they wouldn’t be affected by this awful plan. There’ll also be extra trips to satellite silage clamps, although Ironstone Energy haven’t yet told us where these will be.    

A further increase in lorries is down to the scale of the plant. Ironstone’s website says the footprint would be over 6 hectares. That’s kind of hard to get your head around. It’s actually equivalent to 9 full size football pitches”.

“There’d also be 4 huge silage clamps, about 100 metres by 30 metres, we believe. They will need to be filled, emptied, and refilled, again and again. That’s why they’ll be generating 100s more HGV trips; industrial scale plants need industrial scale collections and deliveries.”  

The height of the proposed steel and concrete constructions is also controversial. 

The spokesperson continued, “An Ironstone employee said the tallest 2 tanks would be 19 metres high. Again,that’s difficult to get to grips with. But it’s the equivalent of a 6 storey block of flats or 6 large modern tractors stacked on top of each other. The plant will stick out like a sore thumb from miles around. These are just some reasons why we urge all residents of Lincolnshire, Leicestershire and Rutland to visit our website to find out more about the harmful impacts of this proposal, as well as to sign the petition”.

To get this plant stopped we need to show South Kesteven District Council that there is much more dissent about these plans than there is support for them. It only takes a few minutes to sign the petition and it’s free. Please help us maintain our rural environment and quality of life.Sign now at


Over 500 signatures!


Sign our Petition